"Because of You We Live!" Autographed Book

"Because of You We Live!" Autographed Book

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As Nazi Swastikas blight the European landscape during World War II, Simone de Cruzel, a 19-year-old socialite living on the French Riviera, is a spy for the British with the code name of "SISTER.“  After her identity

is compromised, she is imprisoned and awakens every morning waiting for her name to be announced at the “Daily Death Call.”

Meanwhile, American George Stalnaker graduates from West Point, completes 35 bombing missions, and quickly rises to the rank of Lt. Colonel. He is assigned the critical task of destroying the last bridge the Germans could use to reinforce their troops at Normandy. George’s B-26 is hit by enemy fire and rapidly loses altitude. The mission is successfully completed, though, before the crew is forced to bail out.  Unknowingly, they choose the worst possible parachute target – Gestapo HQ.

George and Simone may have been born worlds apart but they are alike in one important way – heroism is in their DNA. This is the epic true story of how they manage to survive, meet, and fall in love.